Tooth and Claw

Tooth and Claw is a NEW cool game! Every day, cats and dogs fight with each other to be crowned the best pet (yes they get a crown and a trophy novelty). Today, like all other days, competition is fierce, so you must do your part to keep your team on top. Whether you believe it or pedigree puppies Pussycats perfect, deserve to win, joining Sam and Cody in a race against time … and the other as they go in disguise to save all animals stolen in the hills of Melody. The more gold you collect, the more you help your team win extra lives to claim the crown. Do your best, but remember one thing. Tomorrow may be a new day but the competition remains! Good luck on Tooth and Claw.. you will need it!

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. Tooth and Claw is one COOOOOOL game! 🙂

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