function check_header(){
echo 'This theme is released under creative commons licence, all links in the footer should remain intact';
Play Cool Games — Play Us Games » apocalypse
Play Cool Games and Funny Games Games, don't forget to play our Play Us Games, they are very Funny Games. Enjoy playing our Cool Games and Funny Games Games..Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:07:10 +0000enhourly1Zombie Apocalypse: Left 4 dead, 30 Apr 2011 10:28:22 +0000moneff Zombie Apocalypse is here! In Zombie Apocalypse: Left 4 dead – survival mode you will love the action in this cool game.. zombies all around.. zombies everywhere. In this version of Zombie Apocalypse the zombies are more aggressive, and more faster than the previous ones.. Go.. Choose yourself a new hero and start killing some zombies.. Try to kill all the zombies and earn cash.. With the money you earn you will be able to buy a new cool weapons.. and with these weapons you can blast off even more Zombies at a time.. good luck on blasting out these god damn zombies!
]]>, 23 Apr 2011 16:59:46 +0000moneff! Humanity is suffering from a second apocalypse. The city is no longer recognizable: the streets are full of zombies roaming, which are attached to people living in and attack them asylum. You need to find the family of this apocalyptic and turn the based strategy game. Invent some detachment of soldiers, street cleaners, builders, researchers, and join the forces with urban re-construction and defense. In Rebuild you must Manage your food, accommodation and moral at the same time, defending the attack undead. Reclaim the City a screen at a time and put to work cleaning the system of family, food, houses, and technologies to discover, of course, kill the zombies. Beware of competing gangs, thieves, wild dogs, and even some of the worst food riots in the city, you can handle it i have no doubt in you! You’ll be growing strong. humanity anchors its hope on you.